By Rabbi Yaakov Feitman (Author)


Days of Gratitude, Days of Triumph

Discovering the Gifts of Chanukah, Tu B'Shevat and Purim
By Rabbi Yaakov Feitman (Author)

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Rav Yaakov Feitman, beloved author of Days of Reflection, Days of Joy, continues to guide us through the spiritual landmarks of the Jewish calendar, uncovering the profound lessons hidden within Chanukah, Tu B’Shevat, Asarah b’Teves, and Purim.

With his rare ability to weave timeless wisdom with practical relevance and fascinating stories, Rav Feitman draws on the teachings of our greatest Torah luminaries—among them his own Rebbe, Rav Yitzchak Hutner—to deepen our understanding and appreciation of these special days. What can the battles of Chanukah teach us about the challenges of war, terrorism, and increasing anti-Semitism today? What makes Asarah b’Teves, the shortest of all fast days, in some ways the most severe? Why is Tu B’Shevat known as the “Yom Tov of Adam HaRishon”? How can we feel the “simchah” of Adar and Purim when surrounded by sadness and anxiety?

This sefer is a roadmap to spiritual growth, designed to inspire us not only on these days of “gratitude and triumph” but throughout the entire year. Be prepared to see the festivals—and your own daily life—through a transformative new lens.

Product Details

Catalog # DOGTH
ISBN-10 : 1422642593
ISBN # : 9781422642597
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 384
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 1.126 inches
Weight: 1.6 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 12/05/2024
Size : Standard
Language: English
This book has 6 sample pages. See all pages

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